• F.A.Q: FTP Support

    Questions related to the built-in FTP support in Magellan Explorer is answered in this section.

    1. Remote FTP file modified time may not be correct
    2. How can I delete the FTP sites address history from the FTP Connect dialog?
    3. Connecting to (some) FTP sites doesn't work
    4. How do I change file permissions?

    1. Remote FTP file modified time may not be correct - Top

    Magellan Explorer 3.0 will attempt to determine the time zone of the remote computer and compare this to the time zone of your computer when displaying file times for files on remote FTP servers. However, most FTP servers offers no way to determine the time zone and they will be assumed to be on UTC/GMT time, which may not be correct. This is ultimately a limitation in the FTP protocol and there is only so much we can do.

    Updated: July 1, 2004

    2. How can I delete the FTP sites address history from the FTP Connect dialog? - Top

    You can do this by deleting the following registry key using regedit:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Enriva Development\MagellanExplorer3\Plugins\FTP\FTPConnectHistory

    Make sure Magellan Explorer is not running when you perform this command.

    Updated: November 26, 2004

    3. Connecting to (some) FTP sites doesn't work - Top

    Magellan Explorer uses an FTP mode known as passive mode by default. This can cause problems with some FTP servers. You can change this to active from the preferences. Change the Connection Type setting in the FTP|Proxy section of the preferences.

    Updated: July 1, 2004

    4. How do I change file permissions? - Top

    Changing file permissions can be thought of as changing file attributes. Therefore, you can use the Attribute tool to accomplish this.

    This feature requires server support for changing file attributes (through the SITE CHMOD command).

    Updated: March 3, 2001

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